The surgeon removed the festering gauze bandage from my swollen face. Memories from the horrific incident with those genetically modified guppies came flooding back. ‘Mr Watson’ he said. I could here his words circling around my head. I was in a dream like state and was convinced I was holding my entire bodyweight whilst hanging upside down. ‘Mr Watson’ he said again, my name becoming clearer as the anaesthetic wore off. ‘You may feel a little discomfort for a while, but the sensation will wear off and we will have you up and about in no time’. The fat nurse ushered me to the bathroom for toilet training and that is where I saw the extent of my horrific facial injuries for the first time. Christ! I made the singing detective look like fucking Narcissus. My mother wept, screaming ‘ My Boy, My beautiful son, what have they done to him’. From that day on I wasn’t allowed out in public with out the costume. The kids in the street knew me simply as ‘The Boy in the Bat suit’
The Horror....
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