Saturday, February 04, 2006

Blast From The Past

Just found this advert from the Dunfermline Press in the attic. It shows what we were all up to back in 1978/79. Ray and myself had to change the name of the band from The Delinquents to The Delinx as no one would book us. Great to see The Damned and Skids up there but I can't remember Cissy Stone. The band we supported wasn't the great guitarist from U2. The Edge was actually John Moss and Lu from The Damned. I actually worked for the Ballroom and was part of the load in/out crew for The Damned and Ruts gig. The Captain was in top form wearing his budgie suit and highlight of the night was Rat doing 'Shakin' All Over' nude on top of PA stack. The guitarist in Activan was called Graham Bell (Bellsy) and he went on to be part of the Sound Control empire, now is part of the Guitar Guitar empire. Great days.